girl without her piano!

Getting ready for tomorrow night's ArtTalk with the Kimball Art Center.  It's funny how different this feels than when I prepare for a show.  I've been putting together setlists and players and gear checklists for so long that it's second nature.  This feels a lot harder!

Mark's experiences with Toastmasters has made me really sensitive to things like how many times I use 'umm' or 'uhh' in between real words.  And Tim Koegel's (great) book on presenting that I read awhile back is making me wonder if I will revert to the 'fig leaf', 'T-Rex,' or 'hands in a steeple' poses that people tend to when they're in front of an audience.  I sense that the T-Rex could be a problem.  

And what to wear?  Businesssy presenting suit?  Creative artsy flowy fabulousness?  Park City jeans and a sweater? (insert Marge Simpson quiet grumble here.)

The good part is that when my stress starts rising, I find myself literally turning to some of the tools that we're going to talk about tomorrow.  Jumping to the Finale -- the end result feeling of relief, delight, and gratitude. Remembering that there's a significant purpose I'm drawn to doing this;  it has a ready gift in it that will unfold. Appreciating the power of a little deadline -- I needed to get these thoughts organized for this kind of thing anyway for when the book comes out.  Might as well take the opportunity now.  And then there's the fun bonus. . . I'll get to see people I haven't seen in ages from my hermit-like writing life of the last year.  

So I'll keep getting ready.  And getting excited.  And hopefully at 9 p.m. tomorrow night, I'll have some great stories to share about how well it all went!

Five Things I'm Thankful For Today:

1.  That people are coming tomorrow night!   The only thing worse that being nervous about something is finding out later that you were nervous for NOTHING.
2.  That the radio interviews went well with Randy last night and Leslie Thatcher this morning. 
3.  Yummy white mocha here at Alpine Internet Cafe.  And that amazing smelling bagel in the toaster.  Might have to get one.
4.  The nice conversation I had with my brother Billy yesterday.
5.  Daisy snuggling with us so sweetly this morning.