PARK CITY SUMMER SONG CAMPS presented by Mary Beth Maziarz

"IDOL CAMP"--Teen Songwriting & Performance | 11am-3pm JULY 15-19
  • "IDOL CAMP"--Teen Songwriting & Performance | 11am-3pm JULY 15-19

"IDOL CAMP"--Teen Songwriting & Performance | 11am-3pm JULY 15-19

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Do you have a Teen who's been starting to write songs? Or would like to? Or maybe they've seen performers on TV or Tiktok and become interested in performing online or playing in public, but don't know where to start? Maybe you have someone in your life who'd love to be more comfortable expressing themselves through music and feeling relaxed,

Do you have a Teen who's been starting to write songs? Or would like to? Or maybe they've seen performers on TV or Tiktok and become interested in performing online or playing in public, but don't know where to start? Maybe you have someone in your life who'd love to be more comfortable expressing themselves through music and feeling relaxed, capable, and happy onstage in front of an audience... If so, IDOL CAMP may be the perfect thing to light up their summer!

This 5-day camp sets up young musicians with the foundations of SONGWRITING (song structure, melody, and meaningful lyrics) -- while providing experience and insight into many areas of PERFORMANCE (such as finding your 'natural voice', accompanying yourself (or not), mic technique, EQ effects, developing great pitch, incorporating rhythm, and even how to start booking gigs). Facilitated by Mary Beth Maziarz and other special guests in the music industry. If your teen has always thought they could write and perform if only given the chance -- this is their chance.

All skill and knowledge levels welcome.
Mon-Fri, July 15 - 19, 2023. 11am - 3pm.
Intended for 13 and up. (or by prior approval -- just email mb)

Snacks and beverages provided. More info and supply/preparation list to be provided upon registration.

ATTN: We're getting reports of some people getting purchase errors when trying to register.
If so, you may pay registration fees via: via PayPal:
or Venmo: @MaryBeth-Maziarz

Please include a memo of student's name, age, and camp if possible; we'll send you a receipt and further information. Hopefully the issue will be resolved soon. Thanks and we apologize for the inconvenience!

Read more…

FULL SCHOLARSHIPS are available!   Please email us here ASAP   with the student's name, age, and  specific musical area of interest and experience (if applicable), along with parent email and telephone number.    Thank you!

Click DONATE to sponsor a promising young musician

YOU can be a rockstar too!

After our song camps in  past years,  word eventually got back to us (after the fact) about several 
 enthusiastic committed young musicians who really wished to participate in the camps, but were
unfortunately unable to cover tuition fees.   (And these are significant, as studio hours and other
hard costs are quite  expensive.).  This was  frustrating (and heartbreaking)  --  and completely at
odds with our goals and intentions.

BUT!! ---
through the generous charitable sponsorship from Mountain Town Music's
Michael  James  Richards Memorial Foundation, 
and others, we're making this year's camps more accessible for all in two new ways: 

1)  by discounting the tuition fees for ALL participants
2) by establishing  partial & fully-funded scholarships 
to bridge the cost gap for those in need of extra  financial support.

 IF YOU  - -  or someone you know - - loves supporting original music and  helping promising young musicians,
it's not too late!  Contribution of ANY amount toward the scholarship fund - - or extra generous sponsorship
of a full scholarship or $300 --would be incredibly appreciated and might make a life-changing difference in a
young artist's trajectory.   We will  offer as many scholarship spots as donations allow, adding sessions as nec.

Check out 2023 Songcamper Jadyn Ackerman's track!